Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mongolia here we come!

Off to Mongolia for this year's Brooke sponsored ride in two days time! Very excited! Need to remember what to take and get packing.

I'll write up a full diary with photos when I get back.

It's not too late to sponsor me. Just go to

Monday, April 13, 2009

Thank you to all my clients!

In my last post I told you about my 'VAT refund' fundraising idea. It worked and between my clients they helped me raise about £100 for The Brooke.

Who says that fundraising should be difficult?!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Raising Money with Lifting a Finger

This week I came up with a great fundraising scheme that will help raise about £150 for The Brooke without anyone having to do anything.

I run my own business and most of my clients pay by monthly standing order. In December we didn't have time to change their standing orders to meet the clever Chancellor's idea to reduce VAT. We were going to send refunds to all our clients until I asked them if I could roll all the little amounts (ranging from £1.00 to £10.00) into one donation. My clients have already paid the money, so they won't miss it; by combining the small amounts, the overall amount will make a difference.

Thank you to all my lovely clients who have agreed to take part!