Monday, July 14, 2008

Let's Ride the Ridegway!

Those fatal words were uttered by both myself and my friend Karen Ambrose. We can't decide who had the idea first and therefore who to blame ... by the time it was said, it was too late.

During the autumn of 2007 we sat in front of the internet and did some planning. The website at helped us work out how long it might take and how far we might ride each day. It all seemed quite easy back then. 70 miles along an ancient drovers' route; a few hours each day; some nice places to stay overnight ...

We checked our diaries and decided to opt for a week at the beginning of July 2008. The weather was bound to be good then. And then we just forgot about it all for quite a few months and went back to our day jobs - Karen is a chiropractor ( and I run a marketing company called Apple Tree.

Is there any reason you can't do something for a charity while doing your day job?

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