Monday, July 14, 2008

New Yatt RDA Sponsored Ride - the Dry Run

Fancy a quiet hack on Sunday afternoon?

This is what I said in an email to Karen one Wednesday in April 2008, when I heard about a sponsored ride round Eynsham Park in Oxfordshire, being run in aid of the New Yatt Riding for the Disabled group. It was an eight mile ride around the park and we knew it would be a good dry run for us and the girls - my horse Bee Bee and Karen's horse Pattie. That's them on the left of the photo.

All the worrying we did about how the girls would travel together, how they would behave around other horses, what might set them off ... As it was, they behaved impecably and we needn't have worried about anything.
But it's always good to have a rehearsal for the big event, isn't it?

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